Bauxite and
Embracing new technologies and energy sources
Bauxite and alumina producers need to reduce their carbon footprint. But they’re also under pressure to remain competitive throughout the energy transition and meet growing demand.
Our support for producers begins at the mine site, where we consider everything from advanced mining technologies to renewable energy solutions to decarbonize operations. And our support extends to the refinery, where we consider efficiencies and alternative energy storage for both greenfield and brownfield facilities.
We work across the full project lifecycle, from bauxite mine to smelter and everything in between. We take projects from initial feasibility study though to implementation, commissioning and operation.
We offer independent designs and provide performance guarantees for our refinery designs to give our customers confidence in the delivered results. This delivers more cost competitive and sustainable designs.
Statistic Cards
bauxite, alumina and aluminium projects delivered globally
per annum saving on a multi-year technical service agreement
energy transition projects completed
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Alumina refineries must continually improve to remain competitive. However, the complexity of the refining process can make it difficult to sustain cost reductions. And these improvements need to occur as assets age, often with declining bauxite feedstock quality.
We help our customers identify performance gaps by benchmarking refineries against key industry metrics, allowing for feedstock quality and installed refinery configurations. This provides a picture of how operators measure up against best practice, and what improvements they can make over time.
Our multi-year technical services agreements have lowered operating costs and raw materials while increasing production, to increase return on our customers’ investments.
For the alumina industry, a reliable supply of energy, day and night, is essential. From smart design to fuel source transition, applying technology effectively is more important than ever in the bauxite and alumina industries.
We combine sophisticated process modelling, Bayer efficiency innovations with integration of new energy, emerging energy storage solutions, electrification and more into refinery design.
We help operators evaluate investments in a decarbonizing world, across both greenfield and brownfield facilities. We also deliver energy transition roadmaps tailored to the alumina industry. These include technologies that are ready today, prototype technologies emerging in the coming years, and those likely to be viable in 2030 and beyond.